Wyandot County Health Alliance

Who we are

怀安多特县卫生联盟由社区各部门的合作组成,包括, but not limited to, local government, businesses, non-profits, community foundations, and philanthropists, voluntary organizations, health care providers, and the local health department. 资源丰富的合作伙伴之间的牢固关系维持了怀安多特县卫生联盟.

Our purpose


We partner to complete a Community Health Assessment (CHA) through collecting and analyzing data, both qualitative and quantitative data, and draw conclusions from the data. Through this collaborative process we will identify gaps in services, unmet needs and assess the availability of health care services. We will identify and focus on priority areas of concern. We will use the data and a strategic planning process to create a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).

Our mission


Our vision

A healthier Wyandot County.


Mobilizing Action through Partnerships and Planning (MAPP) process, 这是由全国县和市卫生官员协会(NACCHO)制定的全国采用的框架. MAPP是一个由社区推动的规划进程,旨在改善社区保健,其实施是灵活的, 这意味着该过程不需要按照特定的顺序完成. This process involves the following six phases:

  1. Organizing for success and partnership development
  2. Visioning
  3. The four assessments
  4. Identifying strategic issues
  5. Formulating goals and strategies
  6. Action cycle

National and state standards


Background of the Wyandot County Health Alliance

1998年11月,蒂芬大学对怀安多特县进行了健康评估. 在记录健康观念的基础上,2002年8月成立了怀安多特县卫生联盟. 2003年,怀安多特县卫生联盟发起了最全面的卫生联盟, county-wide, 对怀安多特县进行的标准化社区需求评估. 资金方面的障碍已被确定并尽量减少,并开始执行评估. 我们与俄亥俄州西北部医院委员会签订合同,以促进我们的社区健康评估(CHA)和社区健康改善计划(CHIP)。. 他们每三年为我们的合作伙伴制定战略规划.

Parameters of the Wyandot County Health Alliance

  1. We define our function as a coordinated, 有凝聚力和持久的社区伙伴关系,根据数据驱动的多数决定做出明智的选择.
  2. We review data, analyze, summarize, 并将分析性公共卫生调查结果分发给社区合作伙伴和公众. (1.3.1, 1.3.2)
  3. 我们征求目标受众(怀安多特县居民)的意见。. (
  4. 我们提供对来自各种伙伴关系的数据的分析报告,以确定和描述获取方面的差距 & barriers to health care services (7.1.3)
  5. We invite the public to participate in the strategic planning process.
  6. 我们将每年向会员开具发票,以抵消三年的社区健康评估费用, Strategic Planning, and Community Health Improvement Plan.
  7. We will work within the parameters of available funding.
  8. 我们将提供对来自各种伙伴关系的数据的分析报告,这些数据确定并描述了获得保健服务方面的差距和障碍. (7.1.3)
  9. 我们会在印制和出版小册子前,向公众提供数据和结论,并征求他们的意见. (1.1.3) (
  10. 健康联盟将通过其成员制定的营销技术和战略与社区进行沟通和教育.
  11. 我们打算考虑到造成怀扬多特公民健康和保健质量差异的原因, considering health equity to promote access to care.

Authority of the Wyandot County Health Alliance

  1. Mobilize community partners for the betterment of the community.
  2. 制定和/或监测调查问题的基准和相关的健康需求.
  3. Survey and collect data, putting it into a usable format.
  4. 分析内部审查委员会(IRB)流程的数据收集方法.
  5. 通过旨在教育公众的营销技术共享数据.
  6. 将CHA和CHIP的信息、计划和目标纳入我们的战略计划.
  7. 利用全国市县卫生官员协会(NACCHO)战略规划过程工具, 在我们的整个过程中通过规划和伙伴关系(MAPP)动员行动.
  8. Use data, 建立优先指标和优先结果,以确定计划的有效性,并根据需要为社区服务和/或计划变更筹集资金.
  9. 利用并参加成员指定的必要的特别工作组会议.
  10. 通过在季度会议上报告,监测《亚洲体育博彩平台》所确定行动的进展和结果, and attending sub-committee meetings as necessary.
  11. 承认CHIP进度记录为“我们的活文件”,我们在其中识别变化和进展.
  12. 必要时改变社区健康改善计划的策略.
  13. 撰写并批准一份CHIP年度进度报告,说明继续项目的努力状况和可行性.

Products of the Wyandot County Health Alliance

  1. 怀安多特县社区健康状况评估手册(和u盘).
  2. Documentation of our Strategic Planning process and methodology used.
  3. 我们针对怀安多特县的社区健康改善计划(CHIP)文件.
  4. Documentation of continuous CHIP evaluation process.
  5. Documentation of meeting minutes.
  6. Documentation of meeting membership.
  7. Annual solicitation of membership.
  8. Comprehensive standardized health data specific to Wyandot County.
  9. 全面的资源目录和数据库,具体到怀安多特县.
  10. Memorandum of Agreement for membership
  11. Documentation of voluntary membership dues and financial transactions.
  12. 成员通过评估统计获得资金的文件.

Meetings of the Wyandot County Health Alliance

会议频率应为每季度一次,以更新社区卫生改善计划,并根据需要更频繁地完成战略规划进程, review data, and develop community plans. Health Alliance meeting dates can be found by clicking here.

Chairperson: Krystina Auble, Wyandot County Public Health

2022 Membership of the Wyandot County Health Alliance

  • Carey Exempted Village School District
  • Family and Children First Council
  • Firelands Counseling and Recovery Services
  • First Citizens National Bank
  • First National Bank of Sycamore
  • HHWP Community Action Commission
  • Hospice of Wyandot County
  • Mental Health and Recovery Services Board Levy Funds
  • Mohawk Local School District
  • Open Door Resource Center
  • Ohio State University Extension
  • Premier Bank
  • United Church Homes (Fairhaven)
  • United Way of Wyandot County
  • Upper Sandusky Exempted Village School District
  • Upper Sandusky Rotary Club
  • Wyandot County Board of Developmental Disabilities
  • Wyandot County Chamber of Commerce
  • Wyandot County Commissioners
  • Wyandot County Department of Job and Family Services
  • Wyandot County Office of Economic Development
  • Wyandot County Public Health
  • Wyandot Prevention Coalition
  • Wyandot County Prosecutor
  • Wyandot County Safe Communities Grant
  • Wyandot County Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation
  • Wyandot Memorial Hospital
怀安多特县公共卫生部门通过公共卫生认证委员会(PHAB)获得全国认可。. Established in 2007, PHAB是管理国家认证计划的非营利组织, 它旨在通过倡导绩效改进来推进和改变公共卫生实践, strong infrastructure, and innovation.
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